
We look forward to seeing you March 21-23, 2025!

The accompanying PROGRAM in 2025 will be graced by chef Roman Stasha's culinary inputs or a concert by the band Moravians and singer Anna K.

The GASTROZONE on the square will smell of all kinds of goodies! Local and invited restaurants will offer Czech and foreign cuisine accompanied by almonds in various forms!

The highlight of the weekend is a walk to the Almond Orchards, where your senses will be intoxicated by the captivating scent of and the splendour of the snow-white blossoms.


You know - you're always looking for new experiences and traveling around the world in search of them, until you realize that you yourself have a treasure behind you that the world should know about. For Hustopeče, this treasure is not only great wines, but also almonds, which have a long history of cultivation in Hustopeče. And where else to taste the best almond products than in the heart of vineyards and almond trees? Come and see the largest almond orchard in Central Europe and combine your visit with great wine and fine food!


Dočkáme se letos mandlových kvítků v čase Slavností mandloní a vína poslední březnový víkend, nebo se sněhobílá nádhera objeví dřív? Zkuste si tipnout, kdy mandloně vykvetou - výhercem láhve Hustopečské mandlovice a vítězem soutěže se stane ten, jehož datum bude nejpřesnější.

Program Slavnosí mandloní na rok 2025 máme celkem kompletní, proto nic nebrání tomu, aby si obyvatelé Hustopečí mohli zakoupit vstupenky ještě v prosinci - třeba jako vánoční dáreček? A to za pouhých 150 Kč!

Main partners:


We thank the companies for the parking spaces provided :